Bijoux Salon

Here are our Frequently Asked Questions to try and help solve you problems.

If you need futher assistance contact us

How do I cancel an appointment

To cancel an appointment:
Click on "My Appointments"
Locate the upcoming appointment that you wish to cancel
Click on the cancel link to the right of the appointment you want to cancel, this will take you to the cancel confirmation
Click the "Yes - Cancel this appointment" button
You will see a green success message alerting you to the appointments cancellation
You will receive an email confirmation shortly after cancelling an appointment

Is my data stored securely and confidentially?

Your information is only seen by your stylist and salon. We won't share or sell your information to third parties. Make sure to set a password to secure your account.

Can I change an appointment after it has been made?

No, instead simply cancel your appointment, and create a new one.

Will I be charged anything for booking this appointment?

No, booking online is free. You will be charged in the normal manner by your Salon.

Why do you need my email and phone number?

We ask for your email address so that we can send you email confirmation of your bookings as well as appointment reminders. Your stylist will also sometimes use your email to contact you.

We ask for your phone number so that the salon or your stylist can call you to discuss a booking further or to call you in situations where it is important to ensure a message is conveyed quickly.

We won't share your contact details with third parties.

I forgot my password.

New Users: If you have recently created an account you probably don't have one set yet and can login without filling out the password field. Read how to set a password.

To get your password sent to you via email:
Click on the login button at the top right of the screen.
On the login page, click on the "Help: I forgot my password link.
Enter the email address you signed up for the account with into the field provided and click the "Send my password via email" button.

How do I set my password?

If you are not logged in to the website then start by logging in by clicking on the login button at the top right of the screen.
New Users: If you have recently created an account you probably don't have a password set yet and can login without filling out the password field.

Select the "My Profile" tab from the left hand navigation.
New users will see a yellow bar across the top of your page with a link to set your password.
If you have already set a password you will see a "Change my password" link at the bottom of the page.
If you have already set a password it will ask you to enter your existing password to verify your identity. If you do not have a password set you will not see this prompt.
Enter your desired password twice into the relavent fields, we ask for it twice to make sure there are no errors that would prevent you from loggin in.
Click the "Set my password" button and your account will now be protected.